
Feel confident in your smile with orthodontic treatments like braces and Invisalign.

From overlapping teeth and obstructed airways to difficulty chewing and speaking, orthodontics can help to address a range of concerns. This field of dentistry concentrates on straightening teeth, aligning bites and correcting jawbone defects.

The result? A beautiful smile you’ll be proud to show off. The earlier you take action with the right orthodontic solution, the quicker, easier and often more cost-effective the treatment.

Here at Charlestown Dental Centre,as dentists we’re trained to identify orthodontic problems so you can be proactive with early intervention treatment. If we identify an orthodontic problem we will refer you to a Specialist Orthodontist who has extensive post graduate training in all orthodontic treatments including Dento-facial Orthopaedics, Interceptive Orthodontics ,Invisalign  and Fixed Orthodontic Braces treatments.

We work closely with ABC Orthodontics to provide the best possible Orthodontic treatment for our patients. ABC Orthodontics have practise locations in Warners bay -2/387 Hillsborough Road and also Broadmeadow -31 Lambton Road.

Read more about the orthodontic specialists we work with at ABC Orthodontics.

CALL : (02) 4943 9177

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